Fire Sprinkler Hydraulic Calculation and Design Software.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I pay online using PayPal ?
        Yes, you can easily and safely order and pay online using PayPal. Click on this logo Click to use PayPal to send an online payment using PayPal and our email address: Don't have a PayPal account? Not a problem, it's FREE. With PayPal you can make payments using your Debit Card/Credit Card, your Checking Account or the balance in your PayPal account.

Can I pay online using my Credit Card ? How secure is it ?
        Yes, you can quickly and easily order online using your Credit Card. Click the Call 800-845-9819 / Fax 510-474-1438 icon for the Shopping Cart. Complete all the required fields in the Billing, Ship To and Credit Card Payment sections of the Shopping Cart. Enter the number of item(s) in the Qty column of the table and click ORDER.
        All credit card transactions are first confirmed and approved by the customer before being processed. The customer is contacted via phone or email and asked to confirm the order and to approve the total amount of the purchase. Hydronics Engineering does not rent or sell your personal information.
        Notice the padlock icon Secure Site on the browser toolbar indicating that you are at a secure site. This means that all the information you submit is transmitted in the form of 256-bit encrypted and unreadable code stored on our password protected server. This code can only be accessed and decrypted after we type in special passwords. There have been no documented cases of credit card fraud using our shopping system over the Internet.
        Hydronics Engineering uses VeriSign™ to meet and exceed the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS) for protecting customer credit card information against fraud and identity theft.

Can I order by Phone ?
        Call our toll free number 800-845-9819 or fax us at Fx: 510-474-1438 and tell us exactly what you wish to buy. We will need your name, company name, shipping address, phone and fax number. You will be informed of total costs including shipping and handling charges.
        If you wish to pay by credit card we will take that information over the phone and immediately prepare your package for shipment.
        Orders originating outside the United States must be paid for by credit card or an electronic funds transfer. Contact us for details.
        Ask about our corporate and group discounts for multiple installations and we will respond with a formal price quotation including shipping charges and an estimated time of delivery.

How do I get a DEMO ?
        Very easy. Click the Demo button in the top left corner of this page and it will take you to the download page. You will see a table with three rows and three columns. Each row represents a different DEMO with the download links located in the middle column.

Can I get the software by email ? How long does it take ?
        All the files required for running the software are compressed into a single self-extracting executable file that is easily transmitted as an email attachment. Normally you can receive and install the software within minutes after we receive your order - including the time it takes for it to download to your computer

Why do I need the Residential Fire Sprinkler hydraulics package?
That's because residential sprinkler hydraulics are treated differently in the fire sprinkler industry :

  • Sprinkler discharge, area per head and density are the primary NFPA-13D design criteria for residential sprinkler hydraulics.
  • Domestic demand, rather than inside hose, is added to residential sprinkler flow.
  • Residential pipe fittings differentiate between "tees on a branch", "tees on a run" and "couplings".
  • Residential sprinkler hydraulics must be able to handle Static Pressure as the only available water supply data when there is no information on Residual Pressure and Flow.
  • You definitely need the package if your company specializes in the design and installation of residential fire sprinklers as per NFPA-13D and NFPA-13R.

    What's the difference between Commercial 4.4 and Commercial 5.9 For Windows ?
            Commercial 5.9 is twice as fast and twice as accurate as Commercial 4.4. There are more features for pump analysis and selection. It also works on 64-bit computers equipped with Intel's 64-bit Itanium or AMD's Opteron and Athlon 64 chips running under Windows 2005 Standard x64, Windows 2005 Enterprise x64, Windows XP x64 and Windows 7 x64.


    HYDRONICS features impressive state-of-the-art custom controls that put you in charge of all the data entry and editing requirements for your Fire Sprinker Hydraulic calculations. It features pull down menus and scrollable spreadsheets linked to button bars for copy, paste, repeat, replace, insert and delete operations on multiple or single blocks of nodes and pipes. Typical values can be easily entered for multiple nodes and pipes. Click a button bar to repeat lines or columns in the spreadsheet. Clicking on the printer icon sends input or output data to the printer. Losses for meters and backflow devices are entered in psi. The system can be balanced for a minimum end-head flow or pressure. A single mouse click checks for errors, starts the calculation and displays the output. HYDRONICS uses finite element analysis in conjunction with the Newton-Raphson and LaGuerre algorithms for quickly and accurately balancing any fire sprinkler system configuration.


    • Tank Flow Utility - allows users to modify or add to the built-in pipe diameters, fitting symbols, symbol descriptors and equivalent lengths.
    • Pipe Table Editor - allows users to modify or add to the built-in pipe diameters, fitting symbols, symbol descriptors and equivalent lengths.

    Velocity Analyzer

    Velocity Analyzer Utility

             The Velocity Analyzer Utility calculates the Reynolds Number, a key measure of fluid turbulence and non-laminar flow. The Reynolds Number is a function of pipe diameter(in), flow(gpm) and kinematic viscosity(Sq-Ft/sec). The Velocity Analyzer uses the Reynolds Number and measures of pipe roughness to calculate Moody's f and pipe friction loss(psi/ft) using the Darcy-Weisbach equation. The Velocity Analyzer also displays pipe friction loss using the Hazen-Williams equation.

    Tank Flow

    Tank Flow Utility

             The Tank Flow Utility is used for estimating the total pressure, velocity and flow from a water tank. The total pressure estimate takes into account vapor pressure, atmospheric pressure and water pressure. Vapor pressure is related to water temperature selected from a drop down list box. Atmospheric pressure varies with the value entered for elevation relative to sea level. Water pressure depends on the value entered for the tank water level relative to the spout centerline. The flow depends on the values entered for spout diameter and a coefficient for entry and exit losses. These parameters play an important role in matching tanks with fire pumps.

    Pipe Table Editor

    Pipe Table Editor

    The Booster Pump Dialog

    Pump Dialog

    Commercial 5.9 for Windows features an Advanced Pump Selection Dialog that automatically calculates the pump rated pressure and pump rated flow. It plots the pump curve and keeps track of important fire pump discharge and suction parameters. The Net Positive Suction Pressure Available is calculated using elevation pressure losses(Hz), underground piping friction losses (Hf) and fixed losses between the source and pump suction.


    HYDRONICS provides you with immediate and comprehensive summaries of the hydraulic calculation output that can be viewed on your screen or sent to the printer. You can easily keep track of the friction loss, flow and velocity for every pipe in your sprinkler system.


    Tree System
    Compound Grid
    StandPipe Calc
    Residential 1-Head Calc
    Residential 2-Head Calc
    Hydrant Flow Test


    Save PDF File

             Create genuine Adobe PDF NFPA-Style reports from Commercial 5.9 and Residential 5.9 that can be viewed using Adobe Reader and sent to any email address.